God is a giver

 We all know the simple, basic Bible Story of how God sent his one and only Son to die on the cross for our sins, so that we could receive salvation, but did you know that in order for God to send his Son to die for us, he had to give up a lot for us? It was not easy. I know growing up in the church, I always knew that Jesus died on the cross for my sins, and I repented and came to him. I was even baptized on Easter, because I wanted to make my journey and my personal relationship with Jesus public to the whole world. I just wish I knew how much God had to sacrifice for the whole world and for me. I didn't understand it fully when I was younger, I think growing up in a Christian home, it was just easy for me to repent and be baptized because that's what everyone else was doing, I basically knew God's rules and commandments but didn't quite grasp them all the way, and didn't apply it to my life, but the more I'm in the word and really diving into scriptures, I understand it so much more clearly and I am seeing that God has really given us so much and I feel like I can easily take that for granted sometimes. 

Most of us want the easy way out, and have the ticket of Heaven be handed to us like a silver platter. We say to ourselves- If I just do this, this, and this, I will be able to enter Heaven and Jesus will love me forever. Well it's not as simple as that. Good deeds and good work that we do on this earth, is not our ticket into Heaven. Sure it's nice to do good work for people and be the serving hands of Christ, but it is not the way we just get into Heaven. What gets us into Heaven is really understanding that God had to give up a lot, he had to give up his only Son, and that's hard to do. The whole world had to watch Jesus suffer on the cross with his blood shed with nails in his hands and feet, a crown of thorns on his head, and was mocked,whipped, and beaten. But- not only did Jesus die on the cross for our sins, God has also given us this earth to explore! Take a look around you, where you live, where you sleep, where you wake up everyday- God made all of it! He made the galaxy, the stars, the moon, the planets, the sun, the fish in the sea, and the animals that roam the land. I don't know about you, but every time I see a sunset, or the sun rising, or even a rainbow, I am reminded of how good God is. His talent is on display for us to see, and we get to be amazed when we look at his creation!

I am just constantly amazed in all God has blessed us with, and everything God has given us. I can't wait to keep being a reflection of Christ each and every day and tell people the good news of Jesus and how much he can give to you if you just receive him as your personal Lord and Savior.

I want to hear about you now! How has God blessed you today, and what has he given to you that you want to share with the rest of the world?

A Bible verse to close:

- James 1:5(NIV), "If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you."
