Be the lights of the world


Happy Sunday everyone! As I was leaving Church today, I thought about how nice it was that everyone was smiling, waving to me, and opening the door for me when entering and leaving church. I am not a morning person at all, so my goal is to just go to church and my mind isn’t always on people around me. I think we need to see that a lot of people around us are doing good works and helping others, when we may not even see it. I know a lot of people don’t like to be recognized for doing good works and deeds, they are kind of like “background people”, meaning that someone will go out of their way to do something nice for someone, but it may not be recognized most of the time. I think we need to see that the world is such a better place when people give a lending hand and go out of their way to help serve and volunteer their time.

What kind of world would we be living in if everyone didn’t smile? Life would be so dull, and I think most people don’t even realize how far a smile or simple gesture can go. When Jesus made the earth, he said it was good. Genesis 1:31(NIV) says,“God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning-the sixth day.” We are all apart of God’s creation, and therefore we as Christians, are told to be the hands and feet of Christ to reflect his holy and perfect creation. We need to be good stewards of what God made for us on this earth and we need to be thankful for what God has given us. A simple thank you to God looks like a smile and a good work/ deed to another person.

Did you hold a door for someone today or tell someone to have a good day? Well if you didn’t, maybe you can think about next time going out of your way to do something nice for someone. If everyone in the world was super angry and serious all the time, we wouldn’t get much done or achieve very much, but when people are thankful and nice to others, we can get a lot done. How will you be a Lending hand to another person or help someone this week?

Be the lights of the world!!

Some Bible verses to close:

-Matthew 5:14-16(NIV) “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on  its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.
