Blessings upon Blessings


Hi friend! If you are reading this blog.. I wish you a HAPPY FRIDAY! 

I would like to hop on here and tell you that God is such a good God. He has so much in store for you that you may not realize! I would like to reflect on these past few weeks on how God blessed me, and then I would love to hear about how God is blessing YOU this past week or upcoming week. So, this can be kind of like a gratitude journal. Here are some ways God has been a blessing in my life:

The first way God has been a blessing in my life this week, is by an interview! You would not believe this, but today I came back from an interview to become a possible student development officer at my new school, Gardner Webb University! If that doesn’t show you how good God is, I don’t know what will! I have been praying these past few weeks that God will give me a job again, so I can save my money and support myself financially. This experience is not only going to be great for me to save money, but it will also be fantastic for building my resume and also helps me to be one step closer to achieving my degree with my major in communications.

God has just been blessing me with so many opportunities these past few weeks and I feel so blessed. I just want to keep radiating positive energy from Jesus, Jesus is amazing!! 

Going to Gardner Webb, I’ve been able to try out things I haven’t tried in a while. I am in a treble chorale, so I get to sing again, and use my voice for God’s work. I even auditioned for a play here at the university, so I may be able to perform in a play! I also am involved with the Boiling Springs Baptist church which I am going to try to go to every Sunday to be more connected with God, and even try a Sunday school gathering for college students where there will be donuts and coffee served in the morning! I have also tried to work on myself physically by going to the gym and using the treadmill and bicycles, but my favorite is the Zumba class every Tuesday nights. I love Zumba because you get to dance for fun and also have a really good workout in the end. 

So, I want to hear about you! 

What are some blessings God has given you this week or last week and how will you use what God has given you for the good? 

Some Bible verses to close..

-Ephesians 1:3: (ESV) “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places,”

-2 Corinthians 9:8: (ESV)”And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.”
