
Showing posts from February, 2023

God is a giver

 We all know the simple, basic Bible Story of how God sent his one and only Son to die on the cross for our sins, so that we could receive salvation, but did you know that in order for God to send his Son to die for us, he had to give up a lot for us? It was not easy. I know growing up in the church, I always knew that Jesus died on the cross for my sins, and I repented and came to him. I was even baptized on Easter, because I wanted to make my journey and my personal relationship with Jesus public to the whole world. I just wish I knew how much God had to sacrifice for the whole world and for me. I didn't understand it fully when I was younger, I think growing up in a Christian home, it was just easy for me to repent and be baptized because that's what everyone else was doing, I basically knew God's rules and commandments but didn't quite grasp them all the way, and didn't apply it to my life, but the more I'm in the word and really diving into scriptures, I un

Don’t be anxious, instead be excited!

  Have you ever been super stressed about a project, test or paper? Well I know for me recently, I have been having a lot of anxiety and stress over trying to turn things in on time and making sure I do everything right, which leads me to become anxious. The devil tries to see what he can do to make us stirred up. Whether we are scared, nervous or anxious, the devil likes when we feel all these negative emotions. What we need to do instead, is to cast all of our worries and troubles onto him. 1 Peter 5:6-7(ESV) Says, “Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.” Jesus want us to find peace in him, and he doesn’t want us to have anxiety or be stressed. When we put our faith and hope in Christ, we won’t have to fear anything, for the only fear we have to fear is God himself.  I think that when we look at our next assignment, whether it’s a test, project, or paper, we c

Be the lights of the world

  Happy Sunday everyone! As I was leaving Church today, I thought about how nice it was that everyone was smiling, waving to me, and opening the door for me when entering and leaving church. I am not a morning person at all, so my goal is to just go to church and my mind isn’t always on people around me. I think we need to see that a lot of people around us are doing good works and helping others, when we may not even see it. I know a lot of people don’t like to be recognized for doing good works and deeds, they are kind of like “background people”, meaning that someone will go out of their way to do something nice for someone, but it may not be recognized most of the time. I think we need to see that the world is such a better place when people give a lending hand and go out of their way to help serve and volunteer their time. What kind of world would we be living in if everyone didn’t smile? Life would be so dull, and I think most people don’t even realize how far a smile or simple g

Blessings upon Blessings

  Hi friend! If you are reading this blog.. I wish you a HAPPY FRIDAY!  I would like to hop on here and tell you that God is such a good God. He has so much in store for you that you may not realize! I would like to reflect on these past few weeks on how God blessed me, and then I would love to hear about how God is blessing YOU this past week or upcoming week. So, this can be kind of like a gratitude journal. Here are some ways God has been a blessing in my life: The first way God has been a blessing in my life this week, is by an interview! You would not believe this, but today I came back from an interview to become a possible student development officer at my new school, Gardner Webb University! If that doesn’t show you how good God is, I don’t know what will! I have been praying these past few weeks that God will give me a job again, so I can save my money and support myself financially. This experience is not only going to be great for me to save money, but it will also be fantas