Change is good

Have you ever changed schools, tried out a different or new church, or moved from one house to anotherThat’s change. I’m not sure if you can relate, but I definitely don’t enjoy or like change. See, change is what grows and what shapes us into a better person than we were before. God gives us hardships and trials. The path isn’t always simple and easy, but we have to get through them in order to see the light at the end of the tunnel. One of the hardest things for me is having to start over with new relationships, new friends and even new professors and everything is a little scary at first! I know that whenever I move somewhere new or try something else, I want to give up easily because I get homesick fast, I start missing my family and my relationships back at home. I think it kind of reminds me of the story of Jonah and how God brought him to Nineveh and Jonah didn’t understand why but at the end we always see that God is good and that God always has a plan for our lives. I think the greatest lesson I’ve learned in life is to never give up and I strive to never give up. I accomplish so much when I trust in God’s plan for my life and I’m not scared.

How will you trust in God today?
