The end of a season


 I know as college students, we are all coming to the “end of the season” as many call it. I know many of us can get super nervous about having final exams, last minute tests/ projects, and quizzes, and trust me I am just as nervous as you are for it. However, I do want to remind you, and everyone else, that it’s ok to end this season of life you are in. Everyone goes through seasons, and I know for many seniors who are about to graduate, are going off to go do some amazing things, and their season is ending. But that doesn’t mean that they won’t have a new and amazing season again. Just because their chapter is ending now, they are going to have so many new and amazing new chapters in their “book”. Be encouraged that just because this season of life is ending, doesn’t mean you won’t have a new one soon. Here’s a bible verse that is inspiring to me as you finish this season of life.
Ecclesiastes 3:18, For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven…..”
