Prayer for Today

Hey guys I love this Prayer that comes from,

It says, 

"God when I think about the vastness of the universe, I am amazed that You chose to create us. Your creativity is beautiful, Your power is magnificent, and Your love for Your children is intentional. Thank You for thinking of me since the beginning of time- and for saving me by sacrificing Your only Son. I love You, Lord. In Jesus' name, Amen."

I love this prayer because it seems so personal. Like God chose to create us. He didn't just make the earth, and go oh, I'll throw in some humans to walk the earth, he wanted to have a personal relationship with us. He has such a love for his children and followers, and by giving your life to Christ, the reward is eternal. The reward is life with him in the most beautiful place we can think of, heaven. In the prayer, it says that He was even thinking about us before the beginning of time, like he was forming us and thinking of me and you! It's crazy to me to think that the earth is so vast, yet he loves each and every one of us, and has a personal relationship and love for us.

Be encouraged today to know that your Heavenly Father loves you so much and wants to love you, if you just believe in him and put your faith in him. The rewards of life are eternal happiness, and eternal life with Him.
