Be grateful!

Have you ever been on the road, driving until you see a gorgeous sunset you just have to pull out your camera? Well there's a creator that made all of it and he wants to share it with you! Just like he created you, he also made you special in his own eyes. When God made his creation, he said "It is good". You are no mistake. You were created for a purpose. So be grateful for who you are and what you are. A lot of us seem to want what we don't have. The truth about that though is what you are really lacking is gratefulness in the little things. We all need to see the goodness in what we already have. With a nice roof over your home, a fireplace keeping you warm, food and water to survive,
and a bed to sleep in at night. We really are lucky to be having that much already. At our school, we help out with the kids in Africa, we supply water and help with donations.Take a moment to realize that they have nothing. They are suffering through very harsh conditions. What every soul needs to hear through these harsh sufferings is that God is looking out after you. Although they don't seem to have very much, they have the gospel. Once we share to everyone the good news of Jesus and that he's coming back again, More people will accept the good news that there really is a God and that he is not dead! HE IS ALIVE! That doesn't take a lot of work either. A few years ago, I had a neighbor who didn't believe in God, but we talked about it and he came to realize there is one. So, it doesn't take much to disciple and spread the word. So my goal for you today is to open up a bible and sit down and read some scripture. As you read the scriptures, you'll start to realize that this was all created by one amazing, talented God and if you don't see it right away, I pray that you will sooner or later in your life. I wish you the best of luck on your spiritual walk with God, that he will show you to be grateful! :)
