
A little introduction

  Hi guys! My name is Chloe Cloutier, from Denver North Carolina! I enjoy coming on here and writing blogs, and I hope you will enjoy reading them! My favorite things to do include: hanging out with friends, walking outside and through nature, going to see movies, musical theater, and singing! I hope I can spread some encouragement to you as you grow closer to the Lord during this season of your life, and just share any insight to you that you may take throughout your life.

I love my dog

I  just wanted to pop on here, and say I am not trying to be biased or anything but Charlie has always been my favorite dog. Charlie is always so loyal, and always just wants some company. I have another dog named Russell, but he is just full of energy and is a crazy boy. But regardless, I think we should all be like Charlie, a loyal companion and friend when you just need some company! I love this verse about loyalty, from Proverbs 21:21, “ He who pursues righteousness and loyalty Finds life , righteousness and honor. Read more at:

Thank God for everything He has done for us

  James 1:17, “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” I love that every good thing we have here on earth comes from our Father, its just a simple reminder of God’s grace and faithfulness towards us. God gave each and everyone of us special gifts and talents, so we need to be a reflection of him and use our talents and gifts for the glory of God.  “We can thank God for all of the good things that happen to us, and we can always count on him to keep doing that.” Read more at:

The end of a season

   I know as college students, we are all coming to the “end of the season” as many call it. I know many of us can get super nervous about having final exams, last minute tests/ projects, and quizzes, and trust me I am just as nervous as you are for it. However, I do want to remind you, and everyone else, that it’s ok to end this season of life you are in. Everyone goes through seasons, and I know for many seniors who are about to graduate, are going off to go do some amazing things, and their season is ending. But that doesn’t mean that they won’t have a new and amazing season again. Just because their chapter is ending now, they are going to have so many new and amazing new chapters in their “book”. Be encouraged that just because this season of life is ending, doesn’t mean you won’t have a new one soon. Here’s a bible verse that is inspiring to me as you finish this season of life. Ecclesiastes 3:18, For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven…..” Read

Family is everything!

Exodus 20:12, "Honor your father and mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you." I know sometimes we don’t like being told what to do all the time, whether its chores being done around the house, or just listening to life advice, we don’t always want to hear it. But there is a reason this verse is shared, because it just shows that our parents have so much wisdom and have been through way more than we ever have. I know its been hard for me to listen to my parents recently, but in all reality, they really are worth listening to, and not only that, they love you, and literally gave birth to you, so just use their advice! Read more at:  

Reach the highest peak

Psalm 95:4, “The depths of the earth are in His hand, and the mountain peaks are Hi s. ” I love this verse because it shows how powerful God really is, when we think about God’s creation, sometimes we like to think oh, God must have made the earth easy peasy, because he’s God right? But in all reality, the amount of magnitude God is and the amount of power God has with even just the snap of a finger is incredible.  Read more at:

Watch the river flow

Isaiah 48:18, “  Oh that you had paid attention to my commandments! Then your peace would have been like a river, and your righteousness like the waves of the sea.” I like this verse because we may not always listen to what God has to say for our lives, or we may not be the most obedient to his commands, but we do know that when we put our hope and faith in him, our peace will be like a river, and the righteousness of God will be like the waves of the sea. Watch the river flow! Be encouraged today. Read more at: