becoming a christian!

I was at my church one day wa few years ago, and I thought I was the best christian I could be. I only went to Church on Sundays to worship God, but I never had a really good relationship with him.  I just did what my family did and followed their religion, but I didn't know anything about who he was or what he was.Then one day at my church that I used to go to, I started reading scriptures, and God spoke through me. I found out that I was missing something special in my life. Not just something, but someone, dear. We were at vbs, and I sang through the worship songs with my friends just singing along, and not thinking about the lyrics, until I found that the lyrics in the song was what was going on in my life. That day, was when I had committed my life to Jesus. I came home, closed my door and cried all that night. I just kept on thinking about how awesome God was that he created me, and everyone and everything in the entire universe.That day was also when I had realized that since God had created me, I should spread the word of God to others. So that just like I had accepted him, my friends could also accept him as their Lord and Savior!  God is a miracle worker, in hard times, you can come to him, and he can answer your prayers. So today as you go throughout your day, my challenge for you is to close your door, and just talk to him! Without any distractions, just be yourself and talk from the heart. I promise you that as you talk to him each day, you'll notice a change in how you pray to God. And God will show you that your relationship with him and how you see him isn't just in his church, but, everywhere, like at your home, and through nature.                                                                                                                  
